Claudia et Pontius2022-12-14T16:35:21+10:00

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The first Easter was arguably one of the most momentus events in human history; yet historical facts of the events have mainly been developed from biblical sources set down by oral tradition many years after the event.

In this 5 Act Screenplay, David Tyndale re-interprets the Easter story in a way that will shake Christian belief to its foundations and make readers question the classical dogma of Christianity, including the role of Pilat’s wife Claudia in pleading for Roman justice for the prisoner Jesus in the rebellious colony of Judah.

Claudia et Pontius Screenplay

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    Claudia et Pontius Screenplay
    Article Name
    Claudia et Pontius Screenplay
    In this 5 Act Play David Tyndale re-interprets the Easter story in a way that will shake Christian belief to its foundations and make readers question the classical dogma of Christianity.
    Publisher Name
    David Tyndale
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